CAD 101/102 - Scale Model Airplane Design

Right to Use

This class is now free to use, but please don't download and distribute. Also, I retain the copyright, so this material cannot be used for any commercial purposes or sale of any kind without my permission.

I don't want to see this material up for sale on eBay by someone else :-) That's what will happen if people start passing it around.

If you have trouble downloading or viewing the files, please send me email at

For general info about this class, see CAD Class Information.

The CAD files from the class are available for download here:

If you want to participate in the Google group that was created for the original class, you can request membership here:
Look for the "Join Group" link.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, please also let me know.

Gary Hethcoat, Wings on the Web

Class Content - CAD 101 (four sessions)

For details on the course and software, see:
CAD Class Information.

CAD 101 - Session 1

To download files, either Shift-left-click or Right-click then "Save As".

WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 101 Section 1 Session 1

WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 101 Section 2 Session 1

TurboCAD Interface

Importing and Tracing Raster Images

CAD 101 - Session 2

To download files, either Shift-left-click or Right-click then "Save As".

WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 101 Section 1 Session 2

WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 101 Section 2 Session 2

Justifying & Aligning the Raw Tracings

Scale & Size considerations

Bulkhead (former) and Rib/Spar placement

Laying out Fuselage Formers

CAD 101 - Session 3

Former Design; Lofting

To download files, either Shift-left-click or Right-click then "Save As".

WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 101 Section 1 Session 3

WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 101 Section 2 Session 3

CAD 101 - Session 4

Misc. Commands

Wing Design

Printing & Plotting

To download files, either Shift-left-click or Right-click then "Save As".

WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 101 Section 1 Session 4

WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 101 Section 2 Session 4

Class Content - CAD 102 (four sessions)

Class Project Review

  • Klemm & Judy
  • Remaining work & assignments


  • Fuse - former thickness & draw on plans
  • Wing layout, ribs
  • Sub-spars, dihedral bracing
  • Stab & fin framework
  • Wing-fuse interface


    Wing Design (cont.)

    Material Selection

    Major Assembly

    Printing & Plotting

    CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)

    3D CAD (Vector)


    CAD 102 - Session 1

    To download files, either Shift-left-click or Right-click then "Save As".

    WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 102 Session 1

    CAD 102 - Session 2

    To download files, either Shift-left-click or Right-click then "Save As".

    WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 102 Session 2

    CAD 102 - Session 3

    To download files, either Shift-left-click or Right-click then "Save As".

    WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 102 Session 3

    CAD 102 - Session 4

    To download files, either Shift-left-click or Right-click then "Save As".

    WebEx (ARF) Recording - CAD 102 Session 4